Polilyte Plus ORP Sensors - Arc


<< ORP Sensors >>

Polilyte Plus
ORP Arc 120
Type ÃøÁ¤¹üÀ§ Temp(¢ªC) Cable
±â Ÿ
Length(mm) Pressure
ORP - 1500 mV ~
+ 1500 mV
0 ~ 130 - VP8 Connector head
Pt wire, PG13.5
Liquid Earth
NTC22 kOhm
120/12 Max. 16bar(100¡ÆC)

<< Polilyte Plus ORP Sensor Ư¡>>

Application * »ç¿ëÇÏ°íÀÚ Çϴ ȯ°æ¿¡ ÀûÇÕÇÑ ORP ¼¾¼­¼±Åà (¿Âµµ º¹ÇÕ¿©ºÎ, ¼¾¼­±æÀÌ) Àû¿ë
* ¼¾¼­±æÀÌ(120mm, 225mm, 325mm, 425mm)¿¡ µû¶ó ¸ðµ¨ÀÌ ±¸ºÐµÊ
Feature * Àû¿ëó : Á¦´ç, ¿°·á, ¿°»ö,Á¦Áö°øÁ¤, ÇÏÆó¼ö󸮰øÁ¤µî
* Áõ±â¸ê±Õ, °í¾Ð¸ê±Õ °øÁ¤µî¿¡ »ç¿ë°¡´ÉÇÏ°í ¸ê±Õ°ú ¼¼Á¤ ÈÄ¿¡µµ ÃøÁ¤°ªÀÇ º¯µ¿ÀÌ Àû´Ù.
* Àå±â°£ ¼¾¼­ÀÇ ÆíÂ÷ ¾øÀÌ ¾ÈÁ¤ÀûÀ¸·Î »ç¿ë°¡´ÉÇÏ°í, ºñ¼ö¿ë¾×À̳ª ¹Ý¼ö¿ë¾×°ú °°Àº ¼öºÐ
ÇÔ·®ÀÌ ³·Àº ½Ã·áÀÇ ÃøÁ¤¿¡¼­µµ ¾ÈÁ¤µÈ ÃøÁ¤ÀÌ °¡´ÉÇÏ´Ù.
* Sample min Conductivity : 2 µS/cm. ³·Àº Àüµµµµ¿ë¾×¿¡¼­µµ ÃøÁ¤ÀÌ °¡´ÉÇÏ´Ù.
* Single Pore : Á¤¼ÇÀÌ ¸·È÷´Â ¹®Á¦°¡ Àû°í, Á¤È®ÇÏ¸ç ½Å·Ú¼º ÀÖ´Â ÃøÁ¤°ªÀ» Á¦°ø
* Polisolve Plus : Àü ÃøÁ¤¹üÀ§(-1500~1500mV), ³ÐÀº ¿Âµµ¹üÀ§(0 - 130 ¡ÆC)¿¡¼­ ¾ÈÁ¤
ÀûÀÎ ÃøÁ¤ÀÌ °¡´ÉÇÑ Polymer ÀüÇؾ×
* Everef Reference System :¾ÈÁ¤µÈ ±âÁØÀüÀ§ ¹× ±ä Àü±Ø¼ö¸íÀ» Á¦°ø
* Everef - L : ÀüÇØÇÙ È®»ê°Å¸®¸¦ 200mmÀÌ»ó È®ÀåÇÏ¿© ¾Ç¼º¸ÅÁú¿¡¼­µµ ¾ÈÁ¤ÀûÀÎ ÃøÁ¤ ¹×
Àü±Ø ¼ö¸íÀ» ¿¬Àå½ÃŲ´Ù.
* Autoclavable : Yes, max. Temperature 130 ¡ÆC
* CIP : NO
* Steam Sterilizable : Yes, max. Temperature 140 ¡ÆC
* Operating Temperature Range : Analog interface - 0 to 110 ¡ÆC /
Digital interface: 0 to 140 ¡ÆC
* Analog Interface 1,2 : 4~20 mA for pH, Temperature (Programmable)
* Digital Interface : RS485 Modbus (max. 31 addresses)
* Baud Rate : 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600,115200 bd
* Operating Voltage : 7 to 30 VDC max. 150 mW

<< Sensor Á¾·ù>>

Part #/Ref Sensor
a-length ÃøÁ¤¹üÀ§ Temperature
243060 Polilyte Plus 120 mm -1500 ~ 1500mV NTC 22 kOhm VP8 Polilyte Plus
ORP Arc 120
243061 Polilyte Plus 225 mm -1500 ~ 1500mV NTC 22 kOhm VP8 Polilyte Plus
ORP Arc 225
243062 Polilyte Plus 325 mm -1500 ~ 1500mV NTC 22 kOhm VP8 Polilyte Plus
ORP Arc 325
243063 Polilyte Plus 425 mm -1500 ~ 1500mV NTC 22 kOhm VP8 Polilyte Plus
ORP Arc 425